• Career Videos for Career Exploration

    Train Oregon offers free career videos, focusing on leading Oregon industries – Healthcare, Technology and Manufacturing. Videos are a great resource for jobseekers who are  in career exploration phase and want to deepen their knowledge of what a typical “day in the life” of each occupation would be like. Train Oregon…

  • Playlist of the Month: Career Readiness

    Sometimes we want to recommend (or email) a range of different courses to a customer. The challenge can be describing where and how to find them! This is the purpose of the Playlist tab at Train Oregon. A Playlist simply groups common courses together in a bundle for easy access…

  • What is Microlearning?

    While some Train Oregon courses can be hours long – using modules or chapters to help digest complex and in-depth material – many courses are only 3 to 20 minutes in length. These small, bite-sized trainings are commonly referred to a “microtrainings” or “microlearning”. Read about the benefits of microlearning…