Canned Responses for “Request Access” Emails

When a customer submits a “Request Access” form from the Train Oregon website, the response goes directly to the WorkSource Oregon center they specified as their local center. 1B staff then process the request and email the customer with a response to the content requested. Here are some sample, or “canned” responses to common “Request Access” emails to help process these requests with ease.

Canned Responses (PDF)

Train Oregon Canned Responses to Request Access

Canned Responses :

1. Authorization for WorkSource + and WorkSource + Resume

Hi {insert name},

Thank you for contacting Train Oregon where you can find over 7000 online courses. You now have access to WorkSource + and WorkSource + Resume courses.

Please follow these steps to access Train Oregon:

  1. -Go to and select “Log In”
  2. -You will be redirected to the WorkSource Oregon page
  3. -Log in to WorkSource Oregon
  4. -You will be redirected to My WorkSource page
  5. -Click on the blue “Train Oregon” link under the “My WorkSource Training Tools” heading
  6. -Agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use
  7. -Start taking courses

You can also watch the Train Oregon Overview video to get to the most out of Train Oregon.

You mentioned interest in {insert course/industry/career}. Here is a link to a playlist you might find useful {insert playlist/course link here}If you have forgotten your My WorkSource log in, you will need to contact your local center to reset it.

If you have additional questions, please let me know!

2. Authorization for Premium

Hi {insert customer name}

Thank you for contacting Train Oregon where you can find over 7000 online courses. You now have access to the Premium content you requested, {insert Premium content name}.

Here is a link to the Playlist  {insert link here}.

You can also watch the Train Oregon Overview video to get to the most out of Train Oregon.

If you have additional questions, please let me know!

3. Authorization for Speexx

Hi {insert customer name}

Thank you for contacting Train Oregon where you can find over 7000 online courses. You now have access to Speexx, the English Language Learning course. To get started, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Take the Placement Test (it is approximately 1 hour long, you can only take it once and you will need headphones or speakers).
  2. You can find the Placement Test under “My Trainings” and then “Your Courses”  in Train Oregon (to find it, hover over you login username on the top right of the page). The Placement Test is titled “Test your English communication skills with Speexx Online Test! (English interface).
  3. Let your WorkSource Oregon staff member know the level you placed into.
  4. You will be given access to that level by a WorkSource Oregon staff member.
  5. Get started on your course! Inside the course, you will be assigned a virtual trainer who will help with assignments and give you feedback. You can also sign up for “virtual classrooms” to practice your English with other learners who are also taking Speexx courses.

For more information, you can watch the Speexx video on the Train Oregon YouTube channel.

Here is a link to the Speexx Playlist

If you have additional questions, please let me know!

4. Needs to complete a WorkSource + course and WIOA documentation to access Premium

Hi {insert name}

Thanks for your interest in Train Oregon. The {insert course name} course you are interested in is Premium content, which require a few additional steps to access.

If you would like access Premium {insert Premium name} course content, please follow these steps:

  1. Complete any WorkSource+ course.
  2. Complete WIOA documentation. This is an additional layer of identification that goes beyond just a driver’s license, and includes documents such as a passport, birth certificate, and social security card. You can find the complete list of documents here:
  3. Request access. You can do this while you are at the WorkSource Oregon center to complete WIOA documentation or you can request access later by clicking on the Request Access button at Train Oregon

Let me know if you need further assistance and enjoy your learning experience!

5. Needs to complete a WorkSource + course to access Premium ( WIOA documentation is complete)

Thanks for your interest in Train Oregon. The {insert course name} course you are interested in is Premium content, which require a few additional steps to access.

If you would like access to the these courses, please follow these steps:

1.Complete any WorkSource+ course.

2.Complete WIOA documentation – it looks like you have already completed this step so that’s great!

3.Request access. You can do this while you are at the WorkSourceCenter or you can request access by clicking on the Request Access button at Train Oregon

Let me know if you need further assistance and enjoy your learning experience!

6. Not a WorkSource Oregon customer and needs to open an account

Hi {insert name},

I wanted to touch base with about your Train Oregon request.

I couldn’t find an account within our system. To access Train Oregon, you will need to open an account with WorkSource Oregon. Here is the contact information for the {insert name of center}:

{insert contact information}

When you visit the center, bring a state issued ID such as a driver’s license and a job list/resume. When you are at the center, you can request access to Train Oregon.

If you have any questions, please let me know!

7. Exited WorkSource Oregon customer who needs to re-open their account

Hi {insert name}

I wanted to touch base with you about your Train Oregon request.

To access the Train Oregon courses, you will need to reopen your account with WorkSource Oregon. You will need to do that by visiting your local center. You can find a list of centers here:

While you are at the Center, you can request access to Train Oregon.

If you have questions, please let me know!

8. Customer already has access

Hi (insert name),

Thank you for contacting Train Oregon where you can find over 7000 online courses. It looks like you already have access to WorkSource + and WorkSource + Resume courses. Here are the steps to log in but please let me know if you are not able to access courses:

Please follow these steps to access Train Oregon:

  1. -Go to and select “Log In”
  2. -You will be redirected to the WorkSource Oregon page
  3. -Log in to WorkSource Oregon
  4. -You will be redirected to My WorkSource page
  5. -Click on the blue “Train Oregon” link under the “My WorkSource Training Tools” heading
  6. -Agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use
  7. -Start taking courses

If you have forgotten your My WorkSource log in, you will need to contact your local center to reset it.

If you have additional questions, please let me know and enjoy your learning experience!

Tips for emailing customers:

  • Copying and pasting the course link from the Train Oregon website right to the email.
  • Including your local WorkSource center contact information as much as possible.
  • Include a link to the Train Oregon YouTube channel so they can view video of how to use Train Oregon

Quick Links to Resources:

Here are some quick Links to Playlists, Popular Courses and Train Oregon YouTube Channel

Train Oregon YouTube Channel

Project Management



Office Applications


Career Readiness/Soft Skills


Canned Responses Job Aid

Here’s a Word document of the canned responses you can save to your computer for easy access:

Train Oregon Request Access Canned Responses

As always, if you have any suggestions or questions, please contact us!

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