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Career Boost Staff Training

Available Trainings

Training NameLearning Objectives 
By the end of this training, you will be able to:  
Career Boost Basics 
(7 minute video
-Describe the Career Boost program and its benefits to participants and programs 

-Navigate the systems & training required to provide Career Boost Services 
PY 2025 Career Boost Training 
(click here)
-Recording of January 2025 training session. Maintain contract compliance through proper data entry, billable services, cost methodologies, and invoicing.  
Access Instructions for WOMIS and/or iMatchSkills
(click here)
Most Career Boost staff need to complete Compliance Trainings in order to gain access to state-run data systems such as WorkSource Oregon Management Information System (WOMIS) iMatchSkills.
Annual Compliance Trainings
(click here)
Per Worksystems 50/50 contract with DHS, all staff whose position is funded in any way through Career Boost / SNAP E&T contracts, including managers and directors who do not directly work with SNAP recipients, must complete three mandatory compliance trainings annually.
Regional Program Standards
(click here)
-Regional Program Standards
-Annotated Regional Program Standards (Coming Soon)
Program Information
(click here)
-Career Boost Data Guide
-Digital Signature Guidance

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I find the required trainings?

A: If you need help finding trainings in Workday, try searching keywords in the Browse Learning Content search bar in Workday Learning. You can find examples of this in our New User Training Guide, under “Identifying and Accessing Required Trainings”.  You can also watch this short video to learn how to Browse Learning Content in Workday Learning.

Q: Why can’t I log into Workday Learning?

A: If you have an Extended Enterprise Learner (EEL) account, first try to reset your password using the WDL self-service tool: Forgot Password? If that does not work, you need help retrieving a Login ID, or need other assistance with Workday Learning, please email: SNAP.EmploymentandTraining@odhsoha.oregon.gov.

A: If you have a Contingent Worker (CW) account, first try to reset your password using the WDL self-service tool: Forgot Password? If that does not work, please contact oed_wso_training_team@employ.oregon.gov for support.

Q. How do I get a Workday Learning Account?

A: Please go to WOMIS & iMatchSkills Access Instructions for Worksystems Contractors – Knowledge Base for more information. For additional details, please review our New User Training Guide under “Signing up for a Workday Learning Account” or reach out to CareerBoost_SNAP@worksystems.org.

Q: What trainings do I need to take in Workday Learning?

A: If you are looking for the required ODHS Annual Compliance Trainings, please review ODHS-Annual-Compliance-Trainings_Updated-Jan-2025.pdf.

A: If you are looking for the required trainings to gain Workday or iMatchSkills access, please review our New User Training Guide under “Identifying and Accessing Required Trainings” or reach out to CareerBoost_SNAP@worksystems.org.

Q: I finished all my trainings. Now what?

A: Send your transcripts to CareerBoost_SNAP@worksystems.org and Cc your Worksystems Contract Manager. You can find instructions for this in our New User Training Guide, under “Submitting Training Transcripts to WSI for WOMIS/iMS Access”.

Updated on January 27, 2025

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